Are you ready to change your life? We are looking for 10 Women who are ready to transform their life with our 30-Day Fitness Challenge.

So, what are you waiting for?

Find out if you're our perfect match

  • Are you able to attend 3 classes per week?
  • Are you willing to track your progress?
  • Do you have the will power to follow our nutrition advice?
  • Are you a team player and willing to cheer others on?
  • Do you really want to see the change?
  • Not looking to lose weight? No problem. This isn’t just a weight-loss program. We encourage all types of transformations.


The 30-Day Fitness Challenge is our CrossFit membership and includes two x 1-hour On-Ramp (beginner) sessions, Unlimited CrossFit sessions, Unlimited Skill sessions (Open Gym), Full Access to RxGym and RxGym On-Demand workout videos. Book in to find out more.

Will you be our next success story?